Politics: The Unfolding Train Wreck.

What happens when rats are backed into a corner?

They turn on and attack each other. This is what we have witnessed in Australian politics since 2010 and it is the nation, which is suffering, due to this political instability.

Here are a few examples, chosen because each; as Douglas Adams would say demonstrate, ‘the inter-connectedness of all things’.

Climate Change:  
This should have been so simple, remaining a technical and scientific issue – not a political or religious one. Politicians routinely prove themselves to be completely incapable of addressing it, or in some cases understanding even the basic: causes, mechanisms or long-term consequences. Result, the biggest obstacle, to addressing both climate change AND energy prices to consumers is politics (and politicians).

Consequently carbon pollution has been given no value. All they had to do was give carbon a value and then address any further market failures, which arose – as they arose. This is basic Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) principle booted in favor of 'Whats In It For Me (WIIFM) principles.

In other words, if from day 1 there had been a price for limiting carbon dioxide (burning coal) then there would have been an incentive long ago for producing energy which didn’t pollute. As an aside – lets remember that nuclear energy also pollutes, as nuclear waste.

As an example had a carbon price been placed on energy, in lets say the 1950’s, we probably would not have had a carbon based energy cycle, but most likely a hydrogen based cycle by now. Why because when you oxidise hydrogen – you get water!

Any carbon-pricing scheme that doesn’t put the final burn on the consumer is absolutely flawed.

We all need to stop thinking of things from a monetary price only, and start thinking and taking individual responsibility for the long-term environmental price. 

In the very least lets see politicians stop pronouncing the word ‘Economic’ as ‘Echo-nomic’. Instead let’s hear them say it as ‘Eco-nomic’. As in: Ecology, Ecological etc. In doing so perhaps they will remember (and subconsciously remind the nation) of the significant true costs AND that one cannot exist long term without the other.

Population Policy
Put simply – Australia doesn’t have one. Again the result of political myopia. Why isn't there a Population Policy and when can one be expected?

Medicare and pretty much every part of Australia’s Health policy and systems are failing due to short political sightedness - based entirely on a political rotation.

Medicare gaps are increasing sharply, private health insurances do not cover the short fall adequately and what we are now seeing is a system, less like Britain’s NHS and more like the train wreck, which passes for the US system.

This is most certainly NOT in the best interest of any Australian, nor the national economy. It is not possible to have a functional economy without a healthy workforce. The only economically sound and humane national health care policy is one, which is able to provide quality universal healthcare at point of access. Anything less is a national disgrace.

Preventative measures, are of equal importance. Unfortunately, the results of those of the greatest benefit will never be seen immediately, but further down the track in 5, 10 or 15+ years time. Which means, they carry no political currency what so ever.

As an example let’s consider the sugar debate. We know sugar causes diabetes and many co-morbitiies. These result in human suffering and significant costs to national and state healthcare budget(s). Yet still Australia’s federal politicians refuse to introduce measures to combat this - now and into the future. Again, this is a serious issue with a very simple answer and again the game of politics gets in the way.

The simple answer is a sugar tax, on all processed sugars and processed foods containing sugars (including the hidden sugars), with 100% of taxes being put directly into preventative measures such diabetes clinics, vegetable gardens established in every Gov. school nationwide and compulsory healthy cooking curriculums across all schools nation wide. It wouldn’t be hard to work these gardens and cookery components in to other subjects such as science – at early learning, primary and secondary education levels.

Similar programs could also then be established within the border community, such as community gardens and private allotments rented from municipal councils.

Immigration Policy:
Australia needs a more humane policy. No one is suggesting a free for all, but serious questions need to be asked and addressed. What is the true political reason Australia is unwilling to hand those suffering in off shore detention centres, to New Zealand?

Australian politicians, post 911 have used vilification and fear not only as an election tool but also to as an excuse for their cruel and inhumane immigration and ‘border protection’ policies. In reality from the earliest days of recorded history humankind has inflicted acts of terrorism on their fellow man. In fact the greatest weapon of terrorism is not violence, but fear and demoralisation.

Successive Australian Governments have deliberately created an Us v’s Them narrative which is now becoming a flash point within Australian communities and providing terrorists with exactly the result they are aiming to achieve.

The only real long term solution here is to turn the country of origin into less off a shit hole, or war zone than it is. A situation, which is only going to escalate due to forced migration due to the impacts of climate change.

Australia’s political system (indeed the West Minister System itself,) is always going to be a double-edged sword. A candidate, or party can be as altruistic (and logical) as they like, but if never elected it’s impossible to give it any affect.

Nationally the electorate has become so focused on ‘what’s in it for me’, rather than what’s best for the nation.

Howard on GST is a great example of this. Howard wasn’t going to bring in GST - but then did!

Yes, the GST is an inconvenience (aka pain in the a***) at a business level – but it was also always going to be in the national best interest.

As it was under the old Sale Tax System most people had no idea what, had and didn’t have sales tax on it, let alone what the rate was! In the end the High Court ruled that it was unconstitutional and so it had to go; a point I believe was lost on those voting against the GST at the time. Oh how different the political landscape may have been now had the majority grasped this simple concept and voted for John Hewson’s GST in the first place. 

The major screw up with the GST is all the exemptions. Had the GST been a blanket system across all goods and services, the initial rate would most likely have been 5%. My suspicion is that in the not too distant future it will rise to 15%.

Watching federal politics these days is like watching political Tinder, with the constant swipe left, swipe right. Could we please now have some political stability, cease the nasty games and have some bi-partisan moves to pass some logical, simple legislation / plegolicies which act and work for the nation far into future. Instead of self serving political interest, including the focus on winning the next bloody election and this ridiculous Right v’s Left narrative; a divide and conquer narrative, which again, serves no purpose other than to fuel the Us v’s Them narrative. It doesn’t reflect reality either. Nothing in life is simply black and white, there are and will always be shades between.

Now before anyone gets their knickers in a twist on each of these examples, I do intend to address each individually component individually in later blogs. So unwedgie your undies, make yourself a nice cup of tea, put any religious angles and angles to one side (as religion has no place in politics: S116 Australian Constitution) and have a proper meditate on each of the examples and over all view point given here. 

I'm also including a few links, below for those looking for further information. 

(Document: Research by / for World Bank). 

Simon Holmes à Court    (and via Twitter) is a great place to find information links.


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